Community & Civic Organizations MuseumNon-ProfitReceptions/Special Events/Meeting Space
- 22551 Pleasant Park Road Conifer CO 80433
- (303) 838-4805
- Send Email
- http://www.grange.org/pleasantparkco156/
Meetings are the 2nd Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. followed by a potluck.
Driving Directions:
3 miles from Highway 285 up Pleasant Park Road
About Us
The Pleasant Park Grange is a Fraternal Order established in 1867 for the good
of our people, community, state and nation. We serve our community through
action and financial support. We created a bicycle rest stop that services tens of
thousands of cyclists a summer earning funds that maintain our historical building
and overhead. Surplus funds are distributed to local nonprofits
- Historical Schoolhouse built in 1894
- Colorado Historical Society
- Established as a Grange in 1907