Community AssistanceCommunity & Civic Organizations Financial ServicesFood & Clothing AssistanceHealth & WellnessNon-ProfitThrift Store
- 27888 Meadow Drive Evergreen CO 80439
- (303) 670-1796 Office
- (303) 679-2721
- Send Email
- Evergreen Christian Outreach
Mondays, 10am-5pm; Tuesday-Thursday, 10am-4pm. Closed Fri-Sun.
Driving Directions:
From downtown Evergreen, east on Highway 74, left onto Meadow Drive. You'll see the big EChO sign!
About Us
Now all in one location to best offer integrative services! Our Food Pantry, ReSale Store, Education Center, Client Advocacy Program and Overnight Cold Weather Shelter offer a unique and people centered approach to nurturing hope, health and security to all individuals. Our goal at EChO is to provide compassion and dignity to all we serve in their time of need.