Join us on Monday, May 15, for our quarterly non-profit meeting. The topic this quarter is "How to Fuel Your Brand". You don't want to miss this presentation and discussion, led by Ken Jimenez.
As an Entertainment and Content Producer, Kenny Jimenez works to create environments that captivate audiences and make experiences memorable. In the last ten years, Kenny has held the position of Entertainment Director of the Detroit Pistons where he worked to re-shape the in-game experience for fans and pioneered several non-traditional community driven projects. During his time with the Pistons, his team was honored to have received the NBA award for the #1 In-Arena Experience as well as the #1 Marketing Campaign of the Year. After the Pistons, Kenny was the Vice President of the Sports Marketing Division of Gail and Rice, an Experiential Marketing Company. There too, he brought unconventional live entertainment marketing and branding initiatives to the Detroit Auto Show and delivered world-class entertainment and celebrity integration projects for the NBA, MLL, MLS, National Speedway, and more.
Kenny currently owns and operates Fifteenthreesixty, a creative marketing agency in Denver, Colorado, recognized for utilizing non-traditional approaches to achieve community engagement, increased brand awareness, and market positioning.

Date and Time
Monday May 15, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM MDT
Monday, May 15, 2023
3:00-4:30 pm
Mountain Resource Center
11030 Kitty Drive
Conifer, CO 80433
*not the Mountain Resource Shop
Free but registration is required
Contact Information
Beth Schneider, Executive Director
Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce
Send Email