The premier Home Show in the Denver Foothills!
Net proceeds are distributed as grants for charitable causes through the Evergreen and Conifer Rotary Foundations; more than $275,000 has been raised since the first show in 2005. To learn more about these great organizations visit evergreenrotary.org or rotaryconifer.org.
Visit www.FoothillsHomeShow.com for more information on reserving a booth or attending the show
If you are interested in a sponsorship contact Tim Eagan @ 303-656-3953 or foothillshomeshow@gmail.com

Date and Time
Saturday Apr 1, 2023 Sunday Apr 2, 2023
Saturday April 1st 10-5 and Sunday April 2nd 10-3
Evergreen High School 29300 Buffalo Park Road Evergreen CO 80439
Free Admission