Monday, April 27, 2020
We are fighting for you!
The Conifer Chamber and other Jefferson County Chambers reached out to our County Commissioners and our Public Health Department to advocate on behalf of our business community. In this first step we were able to get non-essential retail businesses added to the list of businesses that CAN DO BUSINESS in the April 24th order.
CLICK HERE for the link to Public Health Procedures on re-opening non-essential businesses for curbside. Anyone who can do curbside can move ahead and do so. Be creative. Think about how to use your windows and your doorway. Retail stores, dog groomers, etc. As long as no one comes inside you are following the rules.
FUNDING - Don't Delay, Apply TODAY!
Additional funding has come through for both the EIDL and the PPP.
PPP call your local banker first. Then call other lenders and make sure your application is submitted. This funding will go just as quickly as the last.
Alternative Funding Ideas: The Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade has a great chart of Alternative Funding Sources LINK TO LIST
The Conifer Chamber is working very closely with the county and our surrounding Chambers to define procedures for opening and to be a champion for all local businesses. We are making sure that there are clear, consistent guidelines across the Denver Metro area.